
Lo-Fi Sunshine: Woods – At Echo Lake

Woods - At Echo Lake

Artist: Woods
Title: At Echo Lake
Label: Woodsist
Release Date: May 11, 2010

I had the good fortune of catching Woods open for my favorite psychedelic Swedes, Dungen, last August at Johnny Brenda’s in Fishtown. At first I wasn’t sure what to expect. One band member kneeled on the floor the entire stage with an old cassette tape player and a mic making all sorts of static noise loops while the rest of the band appeared to be playing on equiptment that was swiped out of a 60’s pawn shop. Little did I know I would be getting some sort of wonderful fusion between The Velvet Underground, The Byrds, and Animal Collective. Now upon the heels of glorious SXSW buzz and hype they’re releasing a most anticipated follow up to their very stellar Songs of Shame LP.
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