Music, Podcasts

Keep the Party Dream Alive Podcast Mix

For stupid reasons out of my control I will not be returning to the Boston airwaves to produce You Can’t Do That on Radio Anymore! this week. So instead I put together a sweet party jams mix of the tunes I intended to play for today’s episode up on my Mixcloud page. Or you can simply just listen in on the nifty embedded player below. Boogie down, minions.

– S.


Head First: Goldfrapp Resurrects the Dancing Queen

Goldfrapp - Head First

Artist: Goldfrapp
Title: Head First
Label: Mute
Release Date: March 23, 2010

Now let’s get this straight – I love almost everything Goldfrapp touches. Everything except the last full length release, Seventh Tree, which only contained one redeemable track. When I heard a new Goldfrapp album was in the pipeline a few months ago my excitement was met with a tinge of hesitation. Would we be getting another half-baked attempt at sounding like an M83 rip off? Or would the goddess of electro-glam be making a reappearance? Turns out the ‘frapp has awakened from their slumber and decided to bust back onto dance floors across the globe with their latest LP effort Head First.
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