Inbound Marketing, Video

A New Chapter for StudentAdvisor and Other Content Adventures

My, my has Summer 2011 been going by fast. Since I last updated a lot has happened to me on the “work” side of things: went to my first event as StudentAdvisor’s Content Manager (Boston eduTweetUp), doubled traffic to the SA Blog, collaborated with a bunch of amazing students and higher ed professionals (you know who you are), helped produce the 2nd annual Dorm Living guide, and even got to co-host one of the biggest marketing podcasts on iTunes!

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Music, Video

Eye Witness CD Release Show – Hotel Vernon Worcester, MA [Live Video]

Yesterday Eye Witness released their first full-length album A Pleasant Tomorrow at the Hotel Vernon in Worcester. If you’ve never been to the Vernon for a show I highly recommend it – the room in the back is an old school speakeasy type lodge modeled to look like the inside of a ship. Plenty of places to sit and the beer is dirt cheap because it’s Worcester, not Bo$ton.

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Music, Video

YouTube Gold: New Kids on the Block on People Are Talking WBZ Boston 1989

Let me preface this post with saying that I was NOT a fan of New Kids on the Block back in the day. Being born in 1987 when NKOTB’s fame was just escalating made me a bit too young to be fully bitten by the bug. However, I have an older sister and cousin who were obsessed with the group and look back on those days with fond teeny bopper memories. When I was old enough to get into music on my own the boy bands of the mid/late 90’s were a myriad of super manufactured pretty boys who could dance, but not sing (Backstreet Boys, NYSNC, 98°, etc.).
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